Saturday, February 16, 2008


"i've always believed that true love is measured by what is left after all the "grand gestures" are gone... the basic non-negotiables of respect, faithfulness, understanding, and the value-added of laughter, conversation and music." - mich

first off -- sorry mich - couldn't help but quote your blog entry (at nang walang permiso)

(i just wanted to share your wisdom hehehe)

of all the valentines messages, blogs, newspaper articles, stories, what-not... this one made the most sense.

so what is someone gives you a diamond ring, or professes his/her love for you from the rooftops, or says they will die for you.

when the shit hits the fan, that's when the actions matter. actually -- when no shit happens at all, thats when it most matters.

(bitter ocampo, statue?)